Discover the incredible journey of Simon Kwinta, the legendary Sea Cloud hotel manager. In his memoir, he learns about his life aboard the famous windjammer during his thirty-year tenure. From his humble beginnings working in a restaurant and on an oceanographic ship to becoming the chief steward of a Belgian vessel, he finally found his home on the Sea Cloud in 1985. With a passion for storytelling and a deep connection to the sea, Simon is not only in charge of running the ship but also captivating his guests with tales of his seafaring life. Despite his unconventional work schedule of six months on board and only one month off, Simon has never looked back, declaring, "This is my ship; I'm never going back." Join Simon on his exhilarating journey aboard the Sea Cloud and be inspired by his unwavering dedication to the sea.
Authored by Simon Kwinta
144 pages
Published by Inger Verlagsgesellschaft mbH; 1. edition (1 Aug. 2018)