This captivating book showcases the Nigeria series, the first collection to feature Jacob Lawrence's bold and vibrant artwork from his time in Nigeria. It not only celebrates the country as a hub for modernist art and culture but also reveals the significant impact of African Modernism on the renowned Black American artist. Through his residency, Lawrence was exposed to the influential Mbari Artists and Writers Club, a dynamic group of artists and writers that published the esteemed arts journal Black Orpheus. This volume displays the Nigeria series alongside the club's artwork and literature, including pieces by notable members Uche Okeke, Jacob Afolabi, Susanne Wenger, and Naoko Matsubara. With insightful essays on the interplay between African post-colonialism and American modernism, the female artists of Mbari, and the global circulation of artistic knowledge, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the evolving landscape of Black art.
Published in association with the Chrysler Museum of Art and the New Orleans Museum of Art
Authored by Eleanor Aldridge
228 pages
Measurements: 9.28 x 0.91 x 12.28 inches
Published by Yale University Press (November 15, 2022)