Discover the magic of Parisian cafe culture with Café Society: Time Suspended, The Cafés, and Bistros of Paris. Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the sense of camaraderie among patrons and waiters. Joanie Osburn's passionately curated book celebrates the rich history and evolution of cafes and bistros in Paris and beyond. With a perfect balance of narrative, photos, and recommendations, this nontraditional travel guide is a must-have for anyone seeking an authentic experience of the beloved cafe lifestyle. Explore the city and its unique arrondissements with the helpful listing at the back of the book, and let Osburn's insider perspective enchant you with anecdotes and insider tips. As the world slowly reopens, Café Society is the perfect companion for eager travelers returning to France.
Authored by Joanie Osburn
240 pages
Measurements: 8.8 x 11.3 inches
Published by GOFF BOOKS (December 27, 2022)