In this captivating gothic horror story, set in post-revolutionary Russia, two sisters of aristocratic descent must unravel their family's buried past in a haunted house with a dangerous history. The year is 1921, and after a group of Bolsheviks seize their ancestral home in Moscow, the Goliteva sisters are forced into the attic while officials take over the grand rooms downstairs. Despite the harsh reality of their new circumstances, the sisters find hope and purpose in working for the American Relief Administration, an organization aiding the famine-stricken country. As they begin to find love and success in their new roles, the whispers of their family's past grow louder, and the sisters must confront the ghosts haunting their home before it's too late. But with a mysterious death and secrets waiting to be revealed, will the sisters and their family become the next victims of Moscow House's haunting history? Only by delving into the forbidden past can the truth be uncovered.